1. Тайланд баян соёлтой, сайхан орон.
Thailand is a wonderful country with rich culture.
2. Түүнийг цаг агаар, далайн эрэг, сүмүүд нь амралтын сайхан газар болгодог.
It's tropical climate,ancient temples and beachs make it a perfect holiday destination.
3. Тай хүмүүс өглөгч, эелдэг зангаараа алдартай нөхөрсөг хүмүүс.
Thai are kind people who are well known for being generous and friendly.
4. Тэд хатуу зорилготой, түүхээрээ бахархдаг.
They are a happy people who have strong wills and are especially proud of their history.
5. Ли зузаан уруултай, нөхөрсөг инээмсэглэлтэй, хөөрхөн.
Lee has got full lips and a friendly smile. She is cute.
6. Бид бусад орон руу аялдаг дараа жил Канадруу аялах гэж байна.
We travel to other countries,next year we are going to Canada.
7. Ли бид 2 түүхийн Роял зочид буудалд байрлаж байсан.
Lee and I staying at the historic Royal hotel.
8. Таны үс ямар вэ?
What is your hair?
9. Таны нүд ямар өнгөтэй вэ?
What colour is your eyes?
10. Таны сургууль гэрээс чинь хэр хол вэ?
How long(far) is your school from your home?
11. Италийн нийтлэг хоол гоймон, мах саладнаас тогтдог.
Italian food is includes meat,salat and noodles.
12. Өдөр бүр та юу хийх дуртай вэ?
What do you do like everyday?
13. Би зурагтаар оройн мэдээ үргэлж үздэг.
I always watch eveningnews on TV.
14. Тэр ажилдаа ихэвчлэн явган алхдаг. Би ч гэсэн.
He usually goes on foot.So do I.
15. Тэр загасанд хэзээ ч явдаггүй. Би ч гэсэн.
He never goes to fishing.Nor do I.
16. Тэр хэзээ ч кинонд явдаггүй. Би явдаг байсан.
He never goes to cinema.I do.
17. Тэр дандаа видео тоглоом тоглодог байсан. Би үгүй.
He always plays videogames. I don't.
18. Пауланна урт үстэй байсан, одоо богино шар үстэй.
Pauline used to have long hair,but now she has got short yellow hair.
19. Лиза үнэтэй учир клубт очдоггүй байсан.
Liza didn't use to go to clubs,because they are very expensive.
20. тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театр руу явах дуртай.
In her freetime, she likes going to Theatre.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Minu test1
1a 2c 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11b
12a 13c 14b 15c 16c 17b 18b 19b 20c
21a 22b 23c 24a 25b 26a 27c 28b 29c
30a 31b 32b 33c 34b 35a 36c 37b 38b
39b 40c 41b
42a 43a 44b 45a 46b 47b 48a 49a 50b 51a
52e 53b 54a 55g 56d 57c
58c 59a 60f 61d 62b 63g
64. "I love going to the theatre." "So am I." . .go . . . . . . .
65. At the moment, Jim rides his bicycle. . . . . . .riding . …
66.John gave she the gift. . . .her . . . . .. .
67.Julie is waking up at 7.00 every morning. . .wakes . . . .. . . . .
68. Mike goes to a party on Saturday night. . .going . . . . . . .
69. Donna use to have long hair. . .used . . . . .
70. Mr. Smith work at the General Hospital. . . .works . . . . . .
71. Is the Sears Tower one of the taller buildings in the world? . . . tallest. . .
72. Sam often eating Chinese food. . .eats . . . . .
73. Her bicycle is most comfortable than Tom's.. . .more . . . . .
74. Did you watched the football game last night? Do. . . . . . . . .
75F 76T 77F 78F 79F 80F
1a 2c 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11b
12a 13c 14b 15c 16c 17b 18b 19b 20c
21a 22b 23c 24a 25b 26a 27c 28b 29c
30a 31b 32b 33c 34b 35a 36c 37b 38b
39b 40c 41b
42a 43a 44b 45a 46b 47b 48a 49a 50b 51a
52e 53b 54a 55g 56d 57c
58c 59a 60f 61d 62b 63g
64. "I love going to the theatre." "So am I." . .go . . . . . . .
65. At the moment, Jim rides his bicycle. . . . . . .riding . …
66.John gave she the gift. . . .her . . . . .. .
67.Julie is waking up at 7.00 every morning. . .wakes . . . .. . . . .
68. Mike goes to a party on Saturday night. . .going . . . . . . .
69. Donna use to have long hair. . .used . . . . .
70. Mr. Smith work at the General Hospital. . . .works . . . . . .
71. Is the Sears Tower one of the taller buildings in the world? . . . tallest. . .
72. Sam often eating Chinese food. . .eats . . . . .
73. Her bicycle is most comfortable than Tom's.. . .more . . . . .
74. Did you watched the football game last night? Do. . . . . . . . .
75F 76T 77F 78F 79F 80F
Bill Gets
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world.
Хүн бүр Билл Гатесийг сонссон, дэлхийн хамгийн баян бас азтай хүн.
Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
Гатес 31настайдаа дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан байсан. Микрософт 1975онд тэр найзтайгаа энэ бизнесийг эхлүүлсэн. Дэлхийн хамгийн том компьютерийн программ хангамжийн компани болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates III, and was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA.
Түүний бүтэн нэрийг Уиллиам Хенри Гатес гэдэг. Тэр 1955 оны 10сарын 28нд Америкийн Сеаттлед төрсөн.
At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science.
Сургуульдаа Билл маш ухаантай байсан бас тоо, шинжлэх ухаанд онцгой сайн байсан.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers.
Түүний эцэг эх тэрнийг Лакесайядад хувийн сургуульд явуулахаар шийдсэн. Тэр тэнд эхлээд компьютер хэрэглэж эхэлсэн.
13 – year – old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.
13настай Билл Гатес бас түүний сургуулийн найз Паул Аллен нар удалгүй өөрсдийн бүх цагаа программ бичихэд бас сургуулийн ажлынхаа оронд компьютерийн тухай сурахад зарцуулж байсан.
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.
1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн алдартай сургууль Харвард явсан.
The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers.
Дараа жил нь, тэр болон Паул Аллен дэлхийн анхны бичил компьютер Алтайярийг удирдах программ бичсэн.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard.
1975онд хоёр найз Микрософтийг эхлүүлсэн бас Гатес Харвардыг орхисон.
Before long, Microsoft was a major business success.
Өмнө нь Микрософт амжилттай чухал бизнес байсан.
Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software.
Тэгээд түүнээс хойш компаниуд үргэлжлэн нэмэгдэж, дэлхийн хамгийн тэргүүлэх компьютерийн программ хангамжийг бүтээсэн.
One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking.
Гатесийн амжилтийн нэг гол шалтгаан бол тэр үргэлж маш хүсэл тэмүүлэлтэй бас хөдөлмөрч байсан.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best – selling book, The Road Ahead.
Тэр хувийн амьдралдаа ихэнх цагаа зориулж чадахгүй байсан. Гэхдээ тэр 1994 онд Микрософтийн ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэсэн. Мөн тэр 1995онд хамгийн их борлогдсон The Road Ahead номыг бичсэн.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
Билл өөрийн чадвар, ихэнх цагаа Микрософтод тасралтгүй зарцуулсан.
“There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he says.
Надад их дадлага туршлага байхгүй, гэхдээ би өөрийнхөө ажилд дуртай гэж тэр хэлжээ.
When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles , golf and reading about science.
Түүнд амрах цаг олдвол тэр таавар оньсого, голф бас шинлэх ухааны тухай унших дуртай.
For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family.
Тийм баян хүн, түүний амьдрал энгийн, бас тэр өөртөө болон гэрийнхэндээ өчүүхэнг зарцуулдаг.
When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous.
Хэдий тийм ч тэр бусдад тусалахаар ирсэн. Гатес бол маш өглөгч.
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Тэр аль хэдийн хүмүүнлэгийн байгууллагад маш их мөнгө өгсөн, бас тэр тэтгэвэрт гарсан үедээ өөрийн хөрөнгөө цаашид бараг бүгдэд нь өгөх төлөвлөгөөтэй гэж хэлжээ.
Хүн бүр Билл Гатесийг сонссон, дэлхийн хамгийн баян бас азтай хүн.
Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.
Гатес 31настайдаа дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан байсан. Микрософт 1975онд тэр найзтайгаа энэ бизнесийг эхлүүлсэн. Дэлхийн хамгийн том компьютерийн программ хангамжийн компани болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates III, and was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA.
Түүний бүтэн нэрийг Уиллиам Хенри Гатес гэдэг. Тэр 1955 оны 10сарын 28нд Америкийн Сеаттлед төрсөн.
At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science.
Сургуульдаа Билл маш ухаантай байсан бас тоо, шинжлэх ухаанд онцгой сайн байсан.
His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers.
Түүний эцэг эх тэрнийг Лакесайядад хувийн сургуульд явуулахаар шийдсэн. Тэр тэнд эхлээд компьютер хэрэглэж эхэлсэн.
13 – year – old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.
13настай Билл Гатес бас түүний сургуулийн найз Паул Аллен нар удалгүй өөрсдийн бүх цагаа программ бичихэд бас сургуулийн ажлынхаа оронд компьютерийн тухай сурахад зарцуулж байсан.
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.
1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн алдартай сургууль Харвард явсан.
The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers.
Дараа жил нь, тэр болон Паул Аллен дэлхийн анхны бичил компьютер Алтайярийг удирдах программ бичсэн.
The two friends started Microsoft in 1975, and Gates left Harvard.
1975онд хоёр найз Микрософтийг эхлүүлсэн бас Гатес Харвардыг орхисон.
Before long, Microsoft was a major business success.
Өмнө нь Микрософт амжилттай чухал бизнес байсан.
Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software.
Тэгээд түүнээс хойш компаниуд үргэлжлэн нэмэгдэж, дэлхийн хамгийн тэргүүлэх компьютерийн программ хангамжийг бүтээсэн.
One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking.
Гатесийн амжилтийн нэг гол шалтгаан бол тэр үргэлж маш хүсэл тэмүүлэлтэй бас хөдөлмөрч байсан.
This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best – selling book, The Road Ahead.
Тэр хувийн амьдралдаа ихэнх цагаа зориулж чадахгүй байсан. Гэхдээ тэр 1994 онд Микрософтийн ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэсэн. Мөн тэр 1995онд хамгийн их борлогдсон The Road Ahead номыг бичсэн.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft.
Билл өөрийн чадвар, ихэнх цагаа Микрософтод тасралтгүй зарцуулсан.
“There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he says.
Надад их дадлага туршлага байхгүй, гэхдээ би өөрийнхөө ажилд дуртай гэж тэр хэлжээ.
When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles , golf and reading about science.
Түүнд амрах цаг олдвол тэр таавар оньсого, голф бас шинлэх ухааны тухай унших дуртай.
For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family.
Тийм баян хүн, түүний амьдрал энгийн, бас тэр өөртөө болон гэрийнхэндээ өчүүхэнг зарцуулдаг.
When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous.
Хэдий тийм ч тэр бусдад тусалахаар ирсэн. Гатес бол маш өглөгч.
He has already given huge amounts of money to charity, and says that he plans give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.
Тэр аль хэдийн хүмүүнлэгийн байгууллагад маш их мөнгө өгсөн, бас тэр тэтгэвэрт гарсан үедээ өөрийн хөрөнгөө цаашид бараг бүгдэд нь өгөх төлөвлөгөөтэй гэж хэлжээ.
1. the phone rang.
2. He walked
3. rain fell
4. she was washing clothes
5. he was meeting friends
2. He walked
3. rain fell
4. she was washing clothes
5. he was meeting friends
were standing –2 were flashing - 5
were hanging – 3 was taking - 6
was blowing – 4 was wailing – 1
were hanging – 3 was taking - 6
was blowing – 4 was wailing – 1
C – a hot-air balloon hanging from a tree branch?
A - someone climbing into a hot-air balloon basket?
B – a bright flash of lightning?
D – a fire engine?
A - someone climbing into a hot-air balloon basket?
B – a bright flash of lightning?
D – a fire engine?
a. 1) was staring 2) was 3) was travelling 4) entered 5) was wearing 6) was carrying 7) sat 8) opened 9) took 10) gave
b. 11) got 12) put 13) walked 14) was waiting 15) thought
b. 11) got 12) put 13) walked 14) was waiting 15) thought
1. Ann wasn’t eating in apple. She was cutting the grass.
2. Sue wasn’t watering the flowers. She was eating an apple.
3. Jane and Mary weren’t cutting the grass. They were watering the flowers.
4. Bob wasn’t painting the door. He wasn’t hanging out the washing.
2. Sue wasn’t watering the flowers. She was eating an apple.
3. Jane and Mary weren’t cutting the grass. They were watering the flowers.
4. Bob wasn’t painting the door. He wasn’t hanging out the washing.
At 8.30am last Monday I was having breakfast.
At the same time last Sunday I was sleeping.
At 11am last Monday I was going to school.
At 3.30pm last Sunday I was going to home.
At the 7pm last Monday I was cooking.
At the 10.30pm last Sunday I was watching TV.
At the same time last Sunday I was sleeping.
At 11am last Monday I was going to school.
At 3.30pm last Sunday I was going to home.
At the 7pm last Monday I was cooking.
At the 10.30pm last Sunday I was watching TV.
At 8.30am last Monday I was having breakfast.
At the same time last Sunday I was sleeping.
At 11am last Monday I was going to school.
At 3.30pm last Sunday I was going to home.
At the 7pm last Monday I was cooking.
At the 10.30pm last Sunday I was watching TV.
At the same time last Sunday I was sleeping.
At 11am last Monday I was going to school.
At 3.30pm last Sunday I was going to home.
At the 7pm last Monday I was cooking.
At the 10.30pm last Sunday I was watching TV.
1. a dog barking – 2
2. a clock ticking – 5
3. a tap dripping – 7
4. a siren wailing – 6
5. rain falling – 3
6. the wind howling – 1
7. someone knocking on the door – 8
8. thunder rumbling – 9
9. car brakes screeching – 4
2. a clock ticking – 5
3. a tap dripping – 7
4. a siren wailing – 6
5. rain falling – 3
6. the wind howling – 1
7. someone knocking on the door – 8
8. thunder rumbling – 9
9. car brakes screeching – 4
1. The young woman wasn’t wearing a short white dress. She was wearing a long white dress.
2. The young woman at the door wasn’t holding a clock. She was at the door holding a bouquet of pretty flowers.
3. Janice wasn’t sleeping when James came back home. She was sitting down on the stairs when James came back home.
2. The young woman at the door wasn’t holding a clock. She was at the door holding a bouquet of pretty flowers.
3. Janice wasn’t sleeping when James came back home. She was sitting down on the stairs when James came back home.
1. B ?Certainly. What would you like in it?
2. A ?Can you deliver it?
3. A ?Could I have the pills in this prescription, please
4. A ?Here you are
2. A ?Can you deliver it?
3. A ?Could I have the pills in this prescription, please
4. A ?Here you are
A : Excuse me ?how much is this belt?
B : That belt? It is 7$.
A : Do you take credit cards?
B : I'm afraid not.
A : That뭩 ok. I''l pay cash, then.
A : Excuse me ?how much is this jeans?
B : That jeans? It is 15$.
A : Do you take credit cards?
B : I'm afraid not.
A : That's ok. I''l pay cash, then.
A : this tights, cardigan,tie,sweatshirt,jumper,coat,shirt,skirt,scarf,jacket?
B : That tights? It is 3$.
A : this pair of gloves,shorts,trainers,socks,shoes,tracksuit?
B : These gloves? They're 10$.
B : That belt? It is 7$.
A : Do you take credit cards?
B : I'm afraid not.
A : That뭩 ok. I''l pay cash, then.
A : Excuse me ?how much is this jeans?
B : That jeans? It is 15$.
A : Do you take credit cards?
B : I'm afraid not.
A : That's ok. I''l pay cash, then.
A : this tights, cardigan,tie,sweatshirt,jumper,coat,shirt,skirt,scarf,jacket?
B : That tights? It is 3$.
A : this pair of gloves,shorts,trainers,socks,shoes,tracksuit?
B : These gloves? They're 10$.
You can buy a plane ticket at a travel agent.
You can buy old clocks at an antique shop.
You can buy a book at a bookshop.
You can buy a pair of trousers at designer fashion house.
You can buy a packet of painkillers at a chemist.
You can buy a diamond ring at a jeweller.
You can buy an armchair at department store.
You can buy grapes at a greengrocer.
You can buy a bottle of perfume at department store.
You can buy lamb chops at a butcher.
You can buy lace tablecloths at a lace shop.
You can buy a leather suitcase at a designer fashion house.
You can buy stamps at a post office.
You can buy a woolen skirt at a designer fashion house.
You can buy a leather jacket at a designer fashion house.
You can buy hairspray at a hair & beauty salon.
You can buy a bouquet of roses at a flower stall.
You can buy a washing machine at a department store.
You can buy a magazine at a newsagent.
You can buy sugar at a supermarket.
You can buy a gold necklace at a jeweller.
You can buy a loaf of bread at a confectioner.
You can buy old clocks at an antique shop.
You can buy a book at a bookshop.
You can buy a pair of trousers at designer fashion house.
You can buy a packet of painkillers at a chemist.
You can buy a diamond ring at a jeweller.
You can buy an armchair at department store.
You can buy grapes at a greengrocer.
You can buy a bottle of perfume at department store.
You can buy lamb chops at a butcher.
You can buy lace tablecloths at a lace shop.
You can buy a leather suitcase at a designer fashion house.
You can buy stamps at a post office.
You can buy a woolen skirt at a designer fashion house.
You can buy a leather jacket at a designer fashion house.
You can buy hairspray at a hair & beauty salon.
You can buy a bouquet of roses at a flower stall.
You can buy a washing machine at a department store.
You can buy a magazine at a newsagent.
You can buy sugar at a supermarket.
You can buy a gold necklace at a jeweller.
You can buy a loaf of bread at a confectioner.
1. A - jeweller
2. B - chemist
3. C - antique shop
4. D - boutique
5. E - supermarket
6. F - greengrocer
7. G - bookstall
2. B - chemist
3. C - antique shop
4. D - boutique
5. E - supermarket
6. F - greengrocer
7. G - bookstall
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
SB:U4:-Ex11 p.27
1.to rain heavily
2.to sing sweetly
3. to shine-brightly
4. climb-carefully
5. shout-loudly
6. to shake- iolently
2.to sing sweetly
3. to shine-brightly
4. climb-carefully
5. shout-loudly
6. to shake- iolently
SB:U4:-EX10 p.27
Translation: Ядуу хоосноос эд баялагтан...
Liza Smythe is a successful British singer. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines , and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
Лиза Смит бол Британийн азтай дуучин юм. Түүний инээмсэглэл олон улсын сэтгүүлүүдийн нүүрийг чимж, жил бүр тэр өөрийн сая сая бишрин шүтэгчдэдээ зориулж дэлхийн улс орнуудаар аялан тоглолт хийдэг.
However , life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool ."Eight years ago ", says Liza, "I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers .It was very cramped!We didn't have a lot of money , so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet . I used to buy my clothes from second- hand shops . I was quite plump back , then because I liked eating chips and chocolate .In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walk on the beach . Ididn't use to go to clubs because they were very expensive . Iused to listen to the radio a lot , though . I learnt all the words to every pop song ang people hired to me sing at parties . My friends liked my voice a lot , so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company . That's how it all started for me . Three weeks later , I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely ."
Хэдий тийм ч Ливерпүүлээс төрсөн гялалзсан залуу одын маань амьдрал маш өөр байсан. Лиза хэлэхдээ “8 жилийн өмнө би аав, ээж, 3 ах нрын хамт нийтийн байранд амьдардаг байсан. Үнэхээр давчуу байсан! Бидэнд тийм ч их мөнгө байгаагүй, тиймээс би орон нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан. Би хувцасаа хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс авдаг байсан. Би үнэхээр тарган махлаг байсан яагаад гэвэл би чипс шоклоад идэх маш дуртай байсан. Би чөлөөт цагаараа далайн эрэгрүү алхаж очоод коллежийн хоорт дуулдаг байсан. Би клубт ордоггүй байсан яагаад гэвэл тэнд орох маш үнээй байсан. Би радио маш их сонсдог байсан. Би бүх поп дуунуудын үгийг сурдаг байсан ба хүмүүс миний дуулахыг үдэшлэгүүд дээр сонсдог байсан. Миний нэг найз миний хоолойнд маш дуртай байсан, тэгээд нэг удаа намайг касетаа дуу бичлэгийн компани руу явуулахыг ятгасан. Өөрөөр хэлбэл энэ бүхэн миний амжилтын эхлэл болсон. 3 долоо хоногийн дараа дуу бичлэгийн компаниас дуудлага ирсэн нь миний амьдралыг өөрчилсөн.”
Today ,Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter . She's much slimmer now , and looks very elegantin her chic designer clothes .She's constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape . In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Өнөөдөр Лиза Лондонгийн ойролцоо хувийн цэцэрлэгтэй хаусандаа нөхөр охинтойгоо амьдарч байна. Одоо тэр илүү гуалиг болсон ба түүний дизайнерийн хувцаснуудыг өмсөхөд тэр маш цэмцгэр харагддаг. Тэр одоо биеийн галбираа хадгалахын тулд хоолны дэглэм барьж өдөр болгон зааланд очиж хичээллэдэг. Тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театрт очиж үдэшлэгүүдэд оролцдог.
Liza's lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool . " I think I'm very lucky to lead the life I do today .It's not easy ,though , because I don't have the privacy that I used to have . Still , I have a lovely family and a very promising career . What else could I ask for ?"she says.
Лизагийн амьдралын амьдралын хэв маяг Ливерпүүлд тэдгээр өдрүүдээс хойш маш их өөрчлөгдсөн. Тэр хэлэхдээ “Миний бодлоор одоо би амьдралд юм бүхнийг хийхэд азтай байдаг. Энэ тийм ч амархан биш, би үүнийг ганцаараа байсан бол хийж чадахгүй басйан. Одоо болтол би хайрт гэр бүлийнхэнтэйгээ байгаа ба, карер маань амжилттай хэвээрээ байгаа. Өөр би юу асууж чадах вэ?”
Лиза Смит бол Британийн азтай дуучин юм. Түүний инээмсэглэл олон улсын сэтгүүлүүдийн нүүрийг чимж, жил бүр тэр өөрийн сая сая бишрин шүтэгчдэдээ зориулж дэлхийн улс орнуудаар аялан тоглолт хийдэг.
However , life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool ."Eight years ago ", says Liza, "I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers .It was very cramped!We didn't have a lot of money , so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet . I used to buy my clothes from second- hand shops . I was quite plump back , then because I liked eating chips and chocolate .In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walk on the beach . Ididn't use to go to clubs because they were very expensive . Iused to listen to the radio a lot , though . I learnt all the words to every pop song ang people hired to me sing at parties . My friends liked my voice a lot , so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company . That's how it all started for me . Three weeks later , I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely ."
Хэдий тийм ч Ливерпүүлээс төрсөн гялалзсан залуу одын маань амьдрал маш өөр байсан. Лиза хэлэхдээ “8 жилийн өмнө би аав, ээж, 3 ах нрын хамт нийтийн байранд амьдардаг байсан. Үнэхээр давчуу байсан! Бидэнд тийм ч их мөнгө байгаагүй, тиймээс би орон нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгчээр ажилладаг байсан. Би хувцасаа хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс авдаг байсан. Би үнэхээр тарган махлаг байсан яагаад гэвэл би чипс шоклоад идэх маш дуртай байсан. Би чөлөөт цагаараа далайн эрэгрүү алхаж очоод коллежийн хоорт дуулдаг байсан. Би клубт ордоггүй байсан яагаад гэвэл тэнд орох маш үнээй байсан. Би радио маш их сонсдог байсан. Би бүх поп дуунуудын үгийг сурдаг байсан ба хүмүүс миний дуулахыг үдэшлэгүүд дээр сонсдог байсан. Миний нэг найз миний хоолойнд маш дуртай байсан, тэгээд нэг удаа намайг касетаа дуу бичлэгийн компани руу явуулахыг ятгасан. Өөрөөр хэлбэл энэ бүхэн миний амжилтын эхлэл болсон. 3 долоо хоногийн дараа дуу бичлэгийн компаниас дуудлага ирсэн нь миний амьдралыг өөрчилсөн.”
Today ,Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter . She's much slimmer now , and looks very elegantin her chic designer clothes .She's constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape . In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
Өнөөдөр Лиза Лондонгийн ойролцоо хувийн цэцэрлэгтэй хаусандаа нөхөр охинтойгоо амьдарч байна. Одоо тэр илүү гуалиг болсон ба түүний дизайнерийн хувцаснуудыг өмсөхөд тэр маш цэмцгэр харагддаг. Тэр одоо биеийн галбираа хадгалахын тулд хоолны дэглэм барьж өдөр болгон зааланд очиж хичээллэдэг. Тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театрт очиж үдэшлэгүүдэд оролцдог.
Liza's lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool . " I think I'm very lucky to lead the life I do today .It's not easy ,though , because I don't have the privacy that I used to have . Still , I have a lovely family and a very promising career . What else could I ask for ?"she says.
Лизагийн амьдралын амьдралын хэв маяг Ливерпүүлд тэдгээр өдрүүдээс хойш маш их өөрчлөгдсөн. Тэр хэлэхдээ “Миний бодлоор одоо би амьдралд юм бүхнийг хийхэд азтай байдаг. Энэ тийм ч амархан биш, би үүнийг ганцаараа байсан бол хийж чадахгүй басйан. Одоо болтол би хайрт гэр бүлийнхэнтэйгээ байгаа ба, карер маань амжилттай хэвээрээ байгаа. Өөр би юу асууж чадах вэ?”
SB:U3:-EX22 p.22
a yelow had is small than she red had
a most expansive had
the red had is mo expensive the yelow had
the red had is biger than the yelow had
the red had as nice as yelow had
a most expansive had
the red had is mo expensive the yelow had
the red had is biger than the yelow had
the red had as nice as yelow had
SB:U3:-EX20 p.21
1. it isn't in paris. it's in london
2. it isn't a big bakery. it is a small grocer's shop
3. it isn't in Korea. it is in Japan and later others in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan
4. it isn't 3000. it's 300
5. it isn't nine. it's nineteen
2. it isn't a big bakery. it is a small grocer's shop
3. it isn't in Korea. it is in Japan and later others in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan
4. it isn't 3000. it's 300
5. it isn't nine. it's nineteen
SB:U3:-EX18 p.21
a- location and management
b- history of the store
c- departments and services
d- the sales
e- recommendation
b- history of the store
c- departments and services
d- the sales
e- recommendation
SB:U3:-EX17 p.21
1. Knightsbridge
2. Mohamed Al Fayed
3. a fire and two bombings
4. 4000
5. the food halls
6. january and july
2. Mohamed Al Fayed
3. a fire and two bombings
4. 4000
5. the food halls
6. january and july
SB:U3:-EX14 p.20
1 wat hanger
2. ball
3. wallet
4. It's big triangular cream objeck. It's made of canvas and plastic.
5. It's a small triangular black objeck. It's made of plastic and glass. We use if some pictures
2. ball
3. wallet
4. It's big triangular cream objeck. It's made of canvas and plastic.
5. It's a small triangular black objeck. It's made of plastic and glass. We use if some pictures
SB:U3:-EX13 p.20
It's a grey plastic suitcase with stickers on it.
It's a yellow gold ring with diamonds on it.
It's a blue silk umbrella with handle on it.
It's a large lound yelow rubber ball on it.
It's a black leater shoes yelow lace.
It's a long black pen with go to metal top.
It's a yellow gold ring with diamonds on it.
It's a blue silk umbrella with handle on it.
It's a large lound yelow rubber ball on it.
It's a black leater shoes yelow lace.
It's a long black pen with go to metal top.
SB:U3:-EX12 p.20
1. a beautiful brown wooden box with a brass lock.
2. a beautiful large grey cotton shirt with a white.
3. a beautiful heavy collar black metal saucepan with brown handles.
4. it's nice blue silk scarf with yellow starts on it.
2. a beautiful large grey cotton shirt with a white.
3. a beautiful heavy collar black metal saucepan with brown handles.
4. it's nice blue silk scarf with yellow starts on it.
SB:U3:-EX8 p.19
1. fashionable=plenty
2. a great variety of= a wide range of
3. wonderful= fantastic
4. opportunity= chance
5. a lot of = plenty of
2. a great variety of= a wide range of
3. wonderful= fantastic
4. opportunity= chance
5. a lot of = plenty of
SB:U3:-EX7 p.19
1. a shopper's pradise
2. antique lovers
3. rare books
4. a department store
5. high quality
6. woollen skirts
7. designer clothes
8. bank accounts
9. fashion houses
10. autumn collections
2. antique lovers
3. rare books
4. a department store
5. high quality
6. woollen skirts
7. designer clothes
8. bank accounts
9. fashion houses
10. autumn collections
SB:U2:-EX26 p.17
They used to wear sandals
They didn't use to ride motorbikes.
They didn't used listen to Walkmans.
Men use to wear bracelets.
They didn't use to have mobile phones.
They didn't use to ride motorbikes.
They didn't used listen to Walkmans.
Men use to wear bracelets.
They didn't use to have mobile phones.
SB:U2:-EX24 p.16
1-are come
2- come
3- are you studying
4- want
5- are you study
6- do you go
7- start
9- are you travel
10- are you doing
11- studying
12- meet
13- are go
2- come
3- are you studying
4- want
5- are you study
6- do you go
7- start
9- are you travel
10- are you doing
11- studying
12- meet
13- are go
SB:U2:-EX21 p.15
1. walk to school
2. go to the gym in my free time
3. do the housework at weekends
4. visit friends after school
2. go to the gym in my free time
3. do the housework at weekends
4. visit friends after school
SB:U2:-EX19 p.15
SA: Did you read a newspaper last Monday?
SB: No, I didn't. I went swimming.
SA: Did you look at watch TV last nigth?
SB: No, I didn't.
SA: Did you play tennis last weekend?
SB: yes, I do.
SA: Did you visit your grandparents?
SB: No, I didn't.
SA: Did you ring a friend?
SB: Yes, I do.
SB: No, I didn't. I went swimming.
SA: Did you look at watch TV last nigth?
SB: No, I didn't.
SA: Did you play tennis last weekend?
SB: yes, I do.
SA: Did you visit your grandparents?
SB: No, I didn't.
SA: Did you ring a friend?
SB: Yes, I do.
SB:U2:-EX18 p.15
be- was
live lived
be- was
live lived
SB:U2:-EX15 p.14
A: 1/ How far is your office from your house?
B: It's 40 kilometers.
A: Really? 2/ how do you get there?
B: I usually go by bus.
A: 3/ how long does it take to get there?
B: It takes nearly an hour. It's quite slow, but i don't mind.
B: It's 40 kilometers.
A: Really? 2/ how do you get there?
B: I usually go by bus.
A: 3/ how long does it take to get there?
B: It takes nearly an hour. It's quite slow, but i don't mind.
SB:U2:-EX14 p.14
SA: What time does Tom have maths?
SB: He has Maths from 9:10 till 10:00.
SA: Were does he have Maths?
SB: In classroom 1
SA: What time does Tom have Geography?
SB: he has Geography from 10:10 till 11:00
SA: Were does he have Geography?
SB: In classroom 2
SA: What time does Tom have Chemistry?
SB: He has Chemistry from 11:30 till 12:20.
SA: Were does he have Chemistry?
SB: The Science Lab
SA: What time does Tom have Lunch?
SB: He has Lunch from 12:20 till 1:30
SA: Were does he have Lunch?
SB: The school cafeteria.
SA: What time does Tom have History?
SB: He has History from 1:30 till 2:20
SA: Were does he have history?
SB: In classroom 3
SA: What time does Tom have Art?
SB: He has Art from 2:30 till 3:20
SA: Were does he have history?
SB: In classroom 4
SB: He has Maths from 9:10 till 10:00.
SA: Were does he have Maths?
SB: In classroom 1
SA: What time does Tom have Geography?
SB: he has Geography from 10:10 till 11:00
SA: Were does he have Geography?
SB: In classroom 2
SA: What time does Tom have Chemistry?
SB: He has Chemistry from 11:30 till 12:20.
SA: Were does he have Chemistry?
SB: The Science Lab
SA: What time does Tom have Lunch?
SB: He has Lunch from 12:20 till 1:30
SA: Were does he have Lunch?
SB: The school cafeteria.
SA: What time does Tom have History?
SB: He has History from 1:30 till 2:20
SA: Were does he have history?
SB: In classroom 3
SA: What time does Tom have Art?
SB: He has Art from 2:30 till 3:20
SA: Were does he have history?
SB: In classroom 4
Sunday, February 14, 2010
SB:U2-Ex13 p.14
I usually make my bed in the morning
I usually do the washing up
I never play basketball on the Mondays
Sometimes I visit relatives at weekends
i occasionally watch the evening on TV
I always brush my teeth before going to bed.
I usually do the washing up
I never play basketball on the Mondays
Sometimes I visit relatives at weekends
i occasionally watch the evening on TV
I always brush my teeth before going to bed.
SB:U2-Ex6 p.13
1. a space
2. a typical
3. a couple
4. a six-hour
5. to help
7. a wet
8. to take
9. a short
10. a rock
2. a typical
3. a couple
4. a six-hour
5. to help
7. a wet
8. to take
9. a short
10. a rock
SB:U2-Ex3 p.12
a space shutle in orbit-C
a space walk-D
a satellite-A
astronauts working with each other-E
the crew abourd a spaceship-B.
a space walk-D
a satellite-A
astronauts working with each other-E
the crew abourd a spaceship-B.
SB:U2-Ex1 p.12
1. play, 2. ride, 3. go, 4. read, 5. meet, 6. watch, 7. have, 8. listen, 9. wash, 10. do
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Exotic shopping ulaanbaatar
Mongolia, the capital of ulaanbaatar, is a shopper's paradise ,whit plenty of large department stores as well as hundred of delighful smaller shops
Antique lovers can find fantastic furniture in the small antiqui shops on ENHTAIWAN avenue and collector can find rare book s on the book stalls INTER bookhouse . There are also some great department stores which sell everything from perfume to furniture calleries UB largest department store on STATE DEPARTMENT STORE , offers a great variety of high quality woolen skirts leather jacket and gesigner clothes
The ENE BISH STREET is a group of little streets with some of the trendust boutiques
There you can buy fasionable ,clothes shoes and jewellery for shoppers with big bank accounts there is a wide raange of jewellery an ddesiner fasion houses along the GOVI,LUX CASHMER,ALTAI CASHMER
Shops in Ub are usually open from eigth or ten in the morning till about seven or eight in the evening from monday to saturday The big sales come after WHITE MOUNTH and THREE MANGAMES and befor the winter and summer collections
Don't miss the chance to go shopping in UB THere is always something to suit everon's pocket and taste
SB:U1-Ex29 p.11
2. am
3. is
4. do
5. am
7. am
8. are
9. do
12. does
13. are
14. are
15. am
16. are
17. do
19. are
2. am
3. is
4. do
5. am
7. am
8. are
9. do
12. does
13. are
14. are
15. am
16. are
17. do
19. are
SB:U1-Ex26 p.10
A: Excuse me, I looking for Mr Harris.
B: He's upstairs. I'm going there myself.
A: Oh Really? Can I come with you?
B: Of course. Do you work here?
A: Yes, I work in the Sales Department. How about you?
B: I'm Mr Harris secretary, Susan Blair.
A: Tony Miller, Nice to meet you!
B: Nice to meet you, too
A: Are you doing anything later ? We could go far a coffee after work
B: I usually leave work at hour, but today i staying late because we're having an important meeting and Mr Harris is needs me. Sorry some other time, perhaps
B: He's upstairs. I'm going there myself.
A: Oh Really? Can I come with you?
B: Of course. Do you work here?
A: Yes, I work in the Sales Department. How about you?
B: I'm Mr Harris secretary, Susan Blair.
A: Tony Miller, Nice to meet you!
B: Nice to meet you, too
A: Are you doing anything later ? We could go far a coffee after work
B: I usually leave work at hour, but today i staying late because we're having an important meeting and Mr Harris is needs me. Sorry some other time, perhaps
SB:U1-Ex25 p.10
1. How old are you?
I'm twelve years old.
2. How tall are you?
I'm 170 cm .
3. What type of build are you?
I'm type of medium build.
4. What is your hair like?
My hair is long.
5. Have you got glasses?
Yes, I have.
6. Have you got beard?
No, I haven't.
7. Have you got freckles?
No, I haven't.
I'm twelve years old.
2. How tall are you?
I'm 170 cm .
3. What type of build are you?
I'm type of medium build.
4. What is your hair like?
My hair is long.
5. Have you got glasses?
Yes, I have.
6. Have you got beard?
No, I haven't.
7. Have you got freckles?
No, I haven't.
SB:U1-Ex24 p.10
A: Where does Marie live?
B: She lives in France.
A: Is she married?
B: Yes, she is, but she divorced.
A: What does she do?
B: She is a doctor.
A: What does she do at work?
B: She treats sick people.
A: What is she doing now?
B: She is planting.
A: Where does Hans live?
B: He lives in Germany.
A: Is he married?
B: Yes, he is.
A: What does he do?
B: He is a lawyer.
A: What does he do at work?
B: He advises people.
A: What is he doing now?
B: He is playing tennis.
A: Where does Glen live?
B: He lives in Australia.
A: Is he married?
B: No, he isn't.
A: What does he do?
B: He is a mechanic.
A: What does he do at work?
B: He fixes cars.
A: What is he doing now?
B: He is fishing.
A: Where does Marie live?
B: She lives in France.
A: Is she married?
B: Yes, she is, but she divorced.
A: What does she do?
B: She is a doctor.
A: What does she do at work?
B: She treats sick people.
A: What is she doing now?
B: She is planting.
A: Where does Hans live?
B: He lives in Germany.
A: Is he married?
B: Yes, he is.
A: What does he do?
B: He is a lawyer.
A: What does he do at work?
B: He advises people.
A: What is he doing now?
B: He is playing tennis.
A: Where does Glen live?
B: He lives in Australia.
A: Is he married?
B: No, he isn't.
A: What does he do?
B: He is a mechanic.
A: What does he do at work?
B: He fixes cars.
A: What is he doing now?
B: He is fishing.
SB:U1-Ex19 p.9
1.a fantastic time
2. a historic hotel
3. a spetacular view
4. thick snow
5. quiet waters
6. smoked salmon.
2. a historic hotel
3. a spetacular view
4. thick snow
5. quiet waters
6. smoked salmon.
SB:U1-Ex17 p.9
Location/ Accommodation-1
Weather/ sights/ activities-2
Location/ Accommodation-1
Weather/ sights/ activities-2
SB:U1-Ex9 p.8
1. a tropical climate
2. sandy beaches
3. friendly people
4. a rich culture
5. wooden houses
6. delicate features
7. strong wills
8. ancient temples
9. holiday destination
10. cultural history.
2. sandy beaches
3. friendly people
4. a rich culture
5. wooden houses
6. delicate features
7. strong wills
8. ancient temples
9. holiday destination
10. cultural history.
SB:U1-Ex8 p.7
1. Thailand is just south of China.
2. Thais are short with delicate features. they have got black hair, dark eyes and light brown skin.
3. The Tailand are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind.
4. Most people are live in villages.
5. Tai village consest of wooden houses, a school and a buddhist temple.
6. Most of people in the villages are farmers and fisherman usually work in the field or catch fish in the rivers and the women plant the crops.
7. They love eating very spicy and includes curries, fish, seafood, soups and noodles.
8. They are freetime activities include Thai boxing and watching traditional dance shows.
2. Thais are short with delicate features. they have got black hair, dark eyes and light brown skin.
3. The Tailand are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind.
4. Most people are live in villages.
5. Tai village consest of wooden houses, a school and a buddhist temple.
6. Most of people in the villages are farmers and fisherman usually work in the field or catch fish in the rivers and the women plant the crops.
7. They love eating very spicy and includes curries, fish, seafood, soups and noodles.
8. They are freetime activities include Thai boxing and watching traditional dance shows.
SB:U1-Ex5 p.6
1. Thailand is located in Asia.
2. People in Thailand are usually short.
3. Thais like eating seafood and rice.
4. Thais enjoy going to traditional dance show.
5. Picture L shows a temple.
6. Most people in Thailand live in villages.
2. People in Thailand are usually short.
3. Thais like eating seafood and rice.
4. Thais enjoy going to traditional dance show.
5. Picture L shows a temple.
6. Most people in Thailand live in villages.
SB:U1-Ex3 p.6
1) Lee is from Tokyo, Japan. she's in her mid twenties. She's slim, with long straight dark hair. She's pretty with full lips and a friendly smile. She's a manicurist.
2) William is from Boston, USA. He's in his late forties. He is of medium build. he is a businessman.
3) Bob is from London, England. He is in his early fifties. He is tall and slim and has got a grey beard and a moustache. He's got a dark complexion and few wrinkles. He's a gardener.
4) Pierre is from Paris, France. He's in his late thirties. He is tall and overweight. He's going blad. He's a florist.
2) William is from Boston, USA. He's in his late forties. He is of medium build. he is a businessman.
3) Bob is from London, England. He is in his early fifties. He is tall and slim and has got a grey beard and a moustache. He's got a dark complexion and few wrinkles. He's a gardener.
4) Pierre is from Paris, France. He's in his late thirties. He is tall and overweight. He's going blad. He's a florist.
SB:U1-Ex2 p.6
B: she's from Tokyo, Japan.
B: she's in her mid-twenties.
B: she's slim, with long straight, dark hair.
B: she's a manicurist
B: he's from Boston, USA.
B: he's in his late forties.
B: he's of medium build.
B: he's a businessman
B: he's from London, England.
B: he's in his early fifties.
B: he's tall and slim and has got a grey beard and a moustache.
B: he's a gardener.
B: he's from Paris, France.
B: he's in his late thirties.
B: he's tall and overweight. he's going blad.
B: he's a florist.
B: she's from Tokyo, Japan.
B: she's in her mid-twenties.
B: she's slim, with long straight, dark hair.
B: she's a manicurist
B: he's from Boston, USA.
B: he's in his late forties.
B: he's of medium build.
B: he's a businessman
B: he's from London, England.
B: he's in his early fifties.
B: he's tall and slim and has got a grey beard and a moustache.
B: he's a gardener.
B: he's from Paris, France.
B: he's in his late thirties.
B: he's tall and overweight. he's going blad.
B: he's a florist.
Hello, People of Mongolia!
Hello, People of Mongolia!
Whatever country we come from, whatever colour our skin is, we all have one thing in common: We are all people of the world.
Mongolia is a wonderful country with a rich culture, just north of China and south of Russia. People call it "The Chinggis of Mongolia of centre Asia for a reason". It's continental climate, yellow sandy desert and ancient temples make it perfect holiday destination.What makes it really special,thought is it people.
Mongolian people are good-looking. They are quiet tall with delicate features.They have got black hair, brown eyes and yellow complexion.
Mongolian people are friendly people who are well known for being generous and kind."We are a happy people who have strong wills and are espesialy proud of our history" says Nandia from UB.
Most people in Mongolia live in cities. A typical Mongolian cities consists of modern builds and ger discreet.Most of the people in the offices are enjeener and businessmen.The men usually work in the bank.
Family life is very important in Mongolia and families often eat together. Mongolian food is very delicous and buuz, huushuur, boodog and horhog. "We eat meat with our meal and use lot of meat our cooking".
Mongolian people love to enjoy themselves. Popular free-time activities include watching artist shows and watching comedy, cartoon, movie. Mongolian people also celebrate many festivals throughout the year." My favourite holiday is Tsagaan sar, in Februar, when we always happy watching boh," says Nandia.
Mongolia is a beautiful country. It's fascinating sights, rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it unique.
Dear Teacher
- I'm so happy to be here in Uvurkhangai for our holidays . I'm having a fantastic time and I just love this part of Mongolia . Ankhmaa and I am staying at the tourist camp. At the moment we are having a cup of hot tea and enjoying the spectacular view of the nature.
- The weather is cold and perfect for skiing in mountain . The seven mountains around the Uvurhangai aimag are covered in thick snow . The famous fjords are stunning . In these fields you can car past forest , waterfall and mountains . We spend most of our days hiking in the mountains with our Uvurhangain friends , Erdene and Urnaa .
- Uvurkhangai is really love the outdoors . They are very friendly and kind to us .I think they are really good -looking . Most of them tend to be tall , with black hair and brown eyes.
- The food is delicios .Uvurkhangain people's like eating soup and meat dumpling especialy buuz , khorhog and khuushuur . I just love eating fresh bread and soup for lunch.
- Next week we're going to Arkhangai . I can't wait to visit the outdoor Folk Museum . Ankhmaa is not so keen , but I'm looking forward to it . Our flight is leaving from Arkhangai next Friday , so I hope you'll recieve this before we get home!
- I think you should come here next year . I'm sure you would love it!
see you soon
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